Long time no see

Thank you for reading my blog and sorry for the lack of updates.

I've been quite busy with life as you are as well. Just a couple updates with my life.

1) I've left Field iD and am currently look for a full time job (if you know any interesting startups that are hiring - please let them know there's a digital marketer with 5 years of experience looking for work)

2) I've started a fun project with a web developer friend of mine - it's called Neeks (now WebbyKit) and it's a one page website creator that helps you make beautiful, seo optimized, mobile-friendly websites. It's currently still being developed (closed beta to start around mid to end of April). It's free but there's a premium version planned for the future.

3) Mobile Apps! My web developer friend (same one in Neeks) and I are open to developing mobile apps and websites for clients. We're building an app at the moment and I'll put that up soon as part of our portfolio.

4) Digital marketing for health care - I've been consulting lately for pharmacies, dental practices, doctor clinics, and healthcare tech companies. If you know any health care professionals looking for an online presence, please ping me! (chanjason.to@gmail.com)

That's all for now. I'll try to update it more often. 


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