It's Friday, Friday, Friday! that's the good news. Now comes the bad, we've been told today that Google has updated their search engine Algorithm since last month. This Google update is being called "Hummingbird". Search Engine Land has a great article about the update - Don't worry my fellow SEOs, the "Hummingbird" doesn't effect our efforts much as we have been doing (unless you are black hat!). The update does more good than bad for SEOs. Google updated their Algorithm better indexing of websites to accommodate for "conversational search". Conversational search as describe by fellow SEOs is the human speak to search engines. For example, I would type in Google search "find me a great Italian restaurant near me" instead "restaurants in Toronto". This open the door to a large number of new search queries and rankings never seen before. Another effect of th...
Cryptocurrency is all the rage right now. We keep hearing non-stop about people gaining or losing the equivalent of a lamborghini overnight. I've been doing a bit of trading recently and I can say that it is hard. HARD is the right word to describe it. You are always dealing with FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) about where to put your money next for the big gain. It's so easy to be addicted to it. I lost money and I gained money. It was a rollercoaster day by day. If you would like to try it out, I would recommend coinbase for a small amount to start ($10 - do not buy bitcoin though, the sending fees are too high [$17+]. Disclaimer: Please do your research before investing in cryptocurrency. I started at Cryptocurrency FAQ I cannot say this enough to everyone. This is a super risky investment and it should be treated as such. Even if you do not take this advice, please consider how much you can afford putting in. I personally use my crypto to buy gift cards from time to tim...
The new Penguin 2.1 Algothrim update happened on October 4th and it affected 1% of all queries (confirmed by Matt Cutts). Penguin 2.1 is just an improved version of the Google Penguin update - the penguin update fights against black hat SEO tactics and spammy link building. This is the 5th update of the series of updates with more to be confirmed. See the dates below for the updates. Here are all the confirmed releases of Penguin to date: Penguin 1 on April 24, 2012 (impacting around 3.1% of queries) Penguin 2 on May 26, 2012 (impacting less than 0.1%) Penguin 3 on October 5, 2012 (impacting around 0.3% of queries) Penguin 4 (AKA Penguin 2.0) on May 22, 2013 (impacting 2.3% of queries) Penguin 5 (AKA Penguin 2.1) on Oct. 4, 2013 (impacting around 1% of queries) Source: My friend's agency website just went live today. Feel free to check it out at . That...
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